
Sentimental Salon

Russian city romances and folk songs transcriptions by Valery Kalistratov

Twenty Choral Theatre's concert programs collected works of chamber vocal and choral music run through three centuries starting with Bach, Schumann, Brahms and ending with Schostakovich and modern American composers; starting with Russian, German and Jewish folklore and ending with orthodox motets and Mozart's and Rossini's sacred music.

The realisation of the so scaled project demanded not only amalgamation of the first-class performers but also search of "own" composers - authors which are able to turn folk melody, choral score, city romance into scene, creativity.

Valery Kalistratov is one of them. He is the author of a number of Theatre programs, including "Sentimental Salon" represented on a disk. "Sentimental Salon" is a composition of the most popular Russian city romances and folk songs, "heard" by him first of all and then by audience as at first time. His delicate transcription not only returned primeval fascination of such romances as "Black Eyes", ''Two Roses" and "Beggar", but also discovered masterpieces unknown before. Meticulous acting technique of the group that uses enormous palette of modes managed to develop miniature into intricately sharp-cut scenes. Georgy Sviridov, Evgeny Kolobov, Igor Moiseev, Vladimir Fedoseev highly appreciated the Moscow Choral Theatre's activity.

02 Отцвели хризантемы, муз. Н.Харито, сл. В.Шумского

01 Ночные цветы, муз. А.Шиловского, сл. Е.Варжневского

03 Динь-Динь-Динь!, муз. и сл. Б.Юрьева

06 Час да по часу, русская народная песня, обработка А.Ларина

05 Гусарский офицер, муз. Н. Дюра, сл. Ф.Кони

04 Наглядитесь, очи ясные, муз. и сл. неизвестного автора

10 Что ты рано, травушка, пожелтела_, муз. А.Бантышева, сл. Н.Цыганова

07 Очи чёрные, сл. Е.Гребенки

09 Конфетка, цыганская песенка

08 Стонет сизый голубочек, муз. Ф.Дубянского, сл. И.Дмитриева

12 Две розы, муз. неизвестного автора, сл. А.Дактиля

11 Улица, улица..., муз. А.Дюбюка, сл. неизвестного автора